School of Arts promotes cinema sessions

Starting in June, the Escola das Artes will host the Cinema Círculo program, an independent cinema cycle that aims to promote long-term sessions. The first session will take place on Saturday, June 29th, starting at 11 am, and will be shown a film selected from the work of ethnomusicologist Michel Giacometti, “Povo que Canta 1971-1973”. Entry is free.

Cinema O (circle) aims to showcase works, formats and geographies that are underrepresented in the current distribution system and cinemas in Lisbon. A cinema that, for one reason or another, finds itself on the margins, without space, outside of a commercial logic that does not aim at profit, but that seeks reflection, debate and critical thinking.

In this first year of programming, Cinema O wants to focus on slow cinema, especially its longer films. Films that, for logistical reasons related to their duration, do not have the opportunity to be seen in their entirety in a theater in single sessions. In practical terms, this program year will be divided into two cycles.

In the first, the emphasis is on works by artists or collectives that are at the same time long, but possible to segment. It will follow a logic of “episodes”, with pre-established intervals, so that viewers can enter and leave the room freely, without losing the idea of unity.

Escola das Artes hosts exhibition “Conexo, Convexo, Concavo”, by Marco Fedele di Catrano

Escola das Artes will host the exhibition “Conexo, Convexo, Concavo”, by Marco Fedele di Catrano, which opens on June 20th, Thursday. From changes site-specific, Catrano's work explores the relationship between industrial architecture and its sculptural pieces, some of which are produced from industrialized objects, creating dynamics and renewed perceptions of space and objects.

Installation-based, the exhibition includes several works on different supports. A series in worksUntitled#” part of bags in supermarket banal in big ones commercial chains. Virados of inside out, the bags revelam to the your structures fibrous intertwined. Deconstructed through from the removal partial of your seams, becomethe source of one image negative molded as one relief resin acrylic. Combined It is sealed through in one process temporal of resin several layers, those becomeup to presence of the bags at your absence physical. The pArt of the bags, withdrawals after O mold, he leavesm yet some trace elements. Thus, the work addresses  he wants O object It is material industrial, globally patternOnized, he wants Os finishings in handinconstructions cheapTogether to the handrail, one model represents The constructionsRising Reversed” It is it is in relationship antithetical with The convexity from the clarabOia. To the same time, you two spaces matchup. 

Marco Fedele di Catrano is an interdisciplinary visual artist whose different creative practices aim to bridge the gap between art and society. His work in the areas of installation, sculpture, photography and video is characterized by an intuitive handling of materials, objects and spaces. Among other venues, Catrano has exhibited at the Joan Miró Foundation (Barcelona), CII Fabrika (Moscow), Ekaterina Cultural Foundation (Moscow), Haus fur Kunst Uri (Altdorf), la rada (Locarno), Kunstraum Walcheturm (Zurich), Museo Maga ( Gallarate), Museum Mestna Galerija (Ljubljana), RAM radioartemobile (Rome), Gallery Mario Iannelli (Berlin), Kunstmuseum Thun (Thun), American Academy (Rome), WUK (Vienna) and Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow). He participated in the parallel program of the 54th Venice Biennale with “Extroversion”, a project by Franz West, and also participated in the Venice Architecture Biennale, in 2010, with the “Epicentro” project. He won the Swiss Federal Prize for Visual Art “Swiss Art Awards 2013”.

The opening of the exhibition takes place on June 20th, Thursday, from 6pm, at the Escola das Artes, in Campo de Ourique, and entry is free.

Postgraduate students in Illustration open collective exhibition

© Tatiana Fernandes

The students of this edition of the Postgraduate Course in Illustration present the collective exhibition “Atlas Interior”, opening on May 31st, Friday, at 6:00 pm, at Trius in São Vicente, Alfama, located in the historic building of the former Institute of Arts and Crafts of the Ricardo Espírito Santo Foundation.

The exhibition brings together works created in the curricular unit Illustration Technologies, taught by illustrator Bernardo P. Carvalho. Using mixed techniques of collage and Indian ink, the illustrations reflect the students' imagination about notions of origin and belonging.

Igor Correia, Inês Duarte, Giulia Galindo, Maria Giovanna Mura, Nani Brunini, Sofia Pires, Sofia Luz, Tatiana Fernandes and Yulia Malinina are the artists represented in the exhibition.

The “Atlas Interior” exhibition is the result of a partnership between Escola das Artes and Trius and is coordinated by professor Inês Viegas Oliveira. Entry is free.


Escola das Artes presents new reading club

Aleph is the new reading club at the School of Arts at the Autonomous University of Lisbon. Dedicated to the academic community, with a special focus on students, Aleph aims to be an informal space for reflection, free debate of ideas and the promotion of critical thinking. The project will be supported by the National Reading Plan (PNL) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education as part of the creation of the Network of Reading Clubs in Higher Education.

In association with the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of April 25, 1974, the concept of freedom will be the general motto for the first year of the initiative, whose action plan includes holding a monthly reading session, as well as a visit from the group of reading club to other institutions. Mariana Rebocho, a Communication Sciences student, will be the main promoter of this club, whose sessions will also be attended by different guests, namely Portuguese-speaking authors and writers.

The first session will take place on May 24th, Friday, at 5:30 pm, at Escola das Artes, in Campo de Ourique, it will also include a brief presentation of the project and will be attended by Duarte Azinheira (INCM). The recommended books for the first session are “Noticiar a Liberdade”, which brings together several testimonies from journalists who followed the end of the dictatorship, and “Bairro das Cruzes”, by Susana Amaro Velho, a family fiction strongly marked by historical events such as the floods of Lisbon in 1967 and the political and social context of Portugal in the 60s and 70s, such as anti-fascist resistance or persecution by the political police.


Postgraduate students in Illustration participate in Ilustra 33

© Creativity Club of Portugal

Six students from Postgraduate in Illustration were selected to participate in the Ilustra33 Hackathon, a collective illustration exhibition, curated by Jorge Silva (Silvadesigners) integrated into the program of the 26th Festival do Creativity Club of Portugal, taking place in Lisbon between May 17th and 24th, 2024.

Under the motto “Do you create or do you want?”, students will be invited to perform live work on May 22nd at the Ilustra 33 Hackathon event, taking place at Hub Criativo do Beato. The event also brings together several illustrators and dozens of students from various higher education institutions in the country. The works will also be on display in the Ilustra 33 online gallery, which can be visited on the Club's website on a date to be announced.

Ilustra 33 has been part of the CCP Festival since 2013 and is a mirror of the quality and relevance of contemporary Portuguese editorial illustration, as an artistic discipline and as an integral part of media communication, across all media and digital platforms.

The event has the support of EDP and is open to the public.

Open courses
The School of Arts presents several free courses in the areas of contemporary artistic practice and thought with some of the most renowned Portuguese professionals and theorists. Learn more.
Postgraduate degrees
The Postgraduate Course in Illustration, whose articulation between the professional sector and the book market is a reference at national level, is just the first of the non-degree training offers. Learn more.
Open to the public and the community, the activity of the School of Arts is also guided by the continuous holding of conferences and lectures within the scope of artistic thought and contemporary philosophy. Learn more.
In partnership with galleries, patrons and artists, the Escola das Artes presents itself as a cultural point in the city of Lisbon, promoting artistic production, whether through residency programs or exhibitions in the various spaces of the University. Learn more.
Concerts and Performances
The multipurpose space at the School of Arts allows the creation of cultural dynamics within the student community, particularly through concerts and performances. Learn more.