The idea of criticism that emerged in the 18th century is linked to the idea of crisis that has its most eloquent manifestations in the diagnoses of culture, full of pessimistic content, in the first decades of the 20th century. The “criticism of culture” arises in this context and becomes, with the “critical theory” of the Frankfurt School, a critique of ideology. The decline of cultural criticism, which went hand in hand with a disenchantment and weakening of the “human sciences” and the critical methodologies based on them (see, for example, how linguistics provided a model for the analysis of all forms of “discourse” ) cannot be disconnected from new epochal, political and cultural determinations. An important milestone for understanding and defining the transformations in the “spirit” of the time and the order of discourses is the publication, in 1979, of “The Post-Modern Condition”, by Jean-François Lyotard. In the fields of literary criticism and art criticism, the idea of a “post-criticism” begins to emerge, both on a theoretical and a pragmatic level, which cannot be disconnected from the triumph of cultural studies.
Criticism and Crisis – Configurations of Modernity
Antonio Guerreiro
March 6 to April 24, 2024
16 hours | 8 sessions
School of Arts – Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (Campo de Ourique)
Main topics
- Configurations of modernity;
- Origins and decline of cultural criticism;
- Order of speech, linguistics and its political and cultural implications;
- Postmodernity and post-criticism in the context of cultural studies.
Author's bibliography
GUERREIRO, A. 2021. Low Pressure Zones. Lisbon: Editions 70.
GUERREIRO, A. 2018. The Demon of Images. About Aby Warburg. Lisbon: Dead Language.
GUERREIRO, A. 2000. The Acute Accent of the Present. Lisbon: Cotovia.
300, 00€
Payment conditions
Payment can be made in full upon registration.
Special conditions
10% discount for Autónoma community
30% discount for early birds (until February 24th)
40% discount for under-23
Number of vacancies: 18
The course will only take place with a minimum number of registered students.

Antonio Guerreiro
António Guerreiro is a columnist and literary critic for the newspaper Public, editor of Electra magazine (Fundação EDP) and guest lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. In addition to his scattered collaboration in magazines, catalogs and collective books, he is the author of two books: “O Acento Agudo do Presente” (Cotovia, 2000) and “O Demónio das Imagens. About Aby Warburg” (Dead Language, 2018).