Professors from the Postgraduate Program in Interarts highlighted in the 2025 gnration program

The professors of the Postgraduate Program in Interarts, Tatiana Macedo and João Polido, are highlighted in the 2025 gnration program, now revealed.

Tatiana Macedo, professor of the Image and Movement curricular unit in the Postgraduate course in Interarts, will present a new installation integrated into CINEX, Braga 25 Portuguese Capital of Culture, whose inauguration is scheduled for April 24th in Sala Um at gnration, in Braga.

João Polido, responsible for the Sound Art curricular unit, will present, within the scope of the Órbita program, a sound piece that dialogues with the exhibition “Ana Vieira: “Editing notebooks”, by the renowned Portuguese artist, challenging us to listen to this sound piece while visiting the exhibition. The session takes place on February 26th and both activities are free.

Applications for the 2025/2026 edition of the Postgraduate Course in Interarts continue open.

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