Círculo School of Arts and Cinema screens “Logistics” (2012), by Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson

Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson’s “Logistics” (2012) is a Swedish experimental film, widely regarded as the longest ever made, with a running time of 857 hours (35 days and 17 hours). The film follows the life cycle of a pedometer, starting at the point of sale in Stockholm and working its way back through its distribution, production and raw material sourcing. The narrative unfolds in real time, offering a slow meditation on the global supply chain and the vast systems behind everyday consumer goods. By focusing on the mundane yet monumental processes of modern production, “Logistics” invites viewers to rethink their relationship to consumption and time.

The first 8 hours will be shown in person on December 14th, with free admission, at the School of Arts. The full film will be available online from 10:00 am on Sunday, on the School of Arts website.

Cinema Círculo aims to showcase works, formats and geographies that are underrepresented in the current distribution system and cinemas in Lisbon. A cinema that, for one reason or another, finds itself on the margins, without space, outside of a commercial logic that does not aim for profit, but that seeks reflection, debate and critical thinking.

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