School of Arts promotes cinema sessions

Starting in June, the Escola das Artes will host the Cinema Círculo program, an independent cinema cycle that aims to promote long-term sessions. The first session will take place on Saturday, June 29th, starting at 11 am, and will be shown a film selected from the work of ethnomusicologist Michel Giacometti, “Povo que Canta 1971-1973”. Entry is free.

Cinema O (circle) aims to showcase works, formats and geographies that are underrepresented in the current distribution system and cinemas in Lisbon. A cinema that, for one reason or another, finds itself on the margins, without space, outside of a commercial logic that does not aim at profit, but that seeks reflection, debate and critical thinking.

In this first year of programming, Cinema O wants to focus on slow cinema, especially its longer films. Films that, for logistical reasons related to their duration, do not have the opportunity to be seen in their entirety in a theater in single sessions. In practical terms, this program year will be divided into two cycles.

In the first, the emphasis is on works by artists or collectives that are at the same time long, but possible to segment. It will follow a logic of “episodes”, with pre-established intervals, so that viewers can enter and leave the room freely, without losing the idea of unity.

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